The AT-6 "Texan" advanced trainer, built by North American, is one of the most widely used aircraft in history.
Also known as "the pilot maker", 15,495 Texans were built between 1938 and 1945. The U.S.A.A.F. procured
10,057 AT-6's; others went to the Navy as SNJ's and to more than 30 Allied nations. Most AAF fighter pilots
trained in AT-6's prior to graduation from flying school. Many of the "Spitfire" and "Hurricane" pilots in the
Battle of Britain trained in Canada in "Harvards," the British version of the AT-6. To comply with neutrality
laws, U.S. built Harvards were flown north to the border and were pushed across.
In 1948, Texans still in USAF service were redesignated as T-6's. To meet an urgent need for close air support of ground forces in the Korean
Conflict, T-6's flew "mosquito missions" spotting enemy troops and guns and marking them with smoke rockets
for attack by fighter-bombers. More than 360 T-6's are still flying.
Source and Link:
U.S.A.F. Museum.Fully assembled, Handcrafted Model Airplane with Removable
Desk Stand.
(Scale: 1/32, Length: 10.75", Wing Span: 15.75")
Click on product image for more detail.