RealFlight RC Model Airplane Flight Simulator Expansion Pack 5

Product Description
This is the RealFlight Expansion Pack 5 from Great Planes.
**Compatible only with RealFlight G4 and above.** RealFlight Expansion Packs and Add-Ons are not compatible with RealFlight Basic.
FEATURES: Adds 18 new aircraft-10 Airplanes, 3 Seaplanes, 4 Rotary Wing
(3 Helicopters, 1 Autogyro), and 1 Amphibious Aircraft (Flying
Three new flying sites
INCLUDES: Airplanes;
Airliner Great Planes Sukhoi SU-31
ElectriFly Reactor Bipe Top Flite P-51 Mustang
Krill Katana Great Planes 38% Extra 330S
Scale Sailplane RF-97 Great Planes P-40 Warhawk
Douglas A-4 Skyhawk ElectriFly Pluma Bipe
Republic SeaBee
De Havilland Beaver
Dornier Do-24ATT
Rotary Wing;
AH-64 Apache Helicopter
Align T-Rex 500 EP Helicopter
Maelstrom Marauder Autogyro
Synergy N9 Helicopter
Amphibious Aircraft;
Death Foil (flying hydroplane)
Flying Sites;
Sub Base - 3D
Obstacle Course 6 - 3D
Photofield Superstition Airpark
REQUIRES: Minimum System Requirements;
Realflight Generation 4 (or above)
COMPATIBILITY NOTE: Expansion Pack 5 is NOT compatible with any
version of RealFlight prior to Generation 4
500 MB hard drive space
Intel Pentium 1.0GHz or equivalent
DirectX 9 (or above) feature-compatible video and sound card
3D accelerated video card with 32 MB (or more) RAM
256 MB Ram
Optimum System Requirements;
Intel Pentium 3.0GHz or equivalent
3D accelerated video card with 128 MB (or more) RAM