 Each handcrafted airplane model comes with a removable wood desk stand. |
 Philippine Mahogany Stained Wood Wall Mount, for those who want to display their aircraft
models on the walls of their home or office. |
 This beautiful handmade airplane model is an authentic replica made from the finest grade
of select kiln dried Philippine mahogany wood. The airplane model is made entirely by hand:
From the handcarving of the aircraft fuselage, wings and tail section, to the sanding of the aircraft's
contours. Every part is assembled precisely into place. After shaping and sanding, the airplane
model passes through several stages of priming and sanding before it is hand painted to
duplicate the actual colors, emblems and insignias of the original historical aircraft. Finally,
multiple coats of clear lacquer are applied to protect the artwork and provide an overall
glossy finish. Aircraft Index: By Type & Manufacturer. |