A ship is not a boat. Boats are smaller than ships, and
normally not decked, or only partly. Boats can be lashed on to
a ship's deck. Most boats carry oars for rowing, and many some kind
of sail. Over the ages fishermen and sailors have developed boats
of all kinds adapted to many needs.
Please click on the below model boat images for larger, more detailed pictures, and product and ordering information. All models on this page are pre-assembled.
A note about Museum Quality ship and boat models: True museum quality wood ship models
require 6 to 10 months to build from scratch to strict museum standards. The cost will range from
$5,000 to over $100,000. These investment grade wood ship scale models are one of a kind works of
art. If you are interested in seeing this type of nautical ship model please
click here.
At the Ancient Mariner at seagifts.com we sell high quality factory production grade models that have been
selected to represent the best value for use as home and office nautical décor and decoration.
Our prices range from $10 for small boat models to over $3000 for near museum quality ship models.
We have several hundred quality boat and ship models to choose from in various categories.